27-29th May 2024

Who cares?
The strength of a society is determined by the quality of life of its weakest members - and those who care for them. These could be our most valuable resource in the near future, because this much is clear:
The fittest years are over!
Demographic change is causing an ageing society in greater need of and more dependent upon care. The impact of wars and the climate crisis will force many millions to either flee or be left behind destitute, homeless, hungry or ill. In the realms of the Internet, we have allowed ourselves to become dependent on a handful of companies who influence our lives with their decisions.
re:publica conference is the place with a stage for those people who otherwise have little or no voice and/or those advocating for them. We offer a platform for new perspectives and approaches, and we aim to facilitate a colourful and diverse discourse which puts responsibility before profits and focuses on the potential of all those who stand up for and dedicate themselves to the common good. Our multifaceted digital society is threatened from many sides (-please insert your individual threat list here-) and the intensifying crises require multidimensional answers. These answers are provided by the people who care.
Who cares?
Artificial intelligence and the democratic use of data will play an important role. Digital street work, the development of care robots or jobs such as integration helpers are blurring the boundaries between individual care and projects that change society as a whole. At re:publica 2024, we will therefore focus on the economies of care in the broadest sense, because we are certain that these will impact and reshape our society now and in the future.
Who cares!
We are the ones who have to care now. Because we are having a formative influence on those who will have to care next. The children of today and, to a large extent, the technologies of tomorrow. Our society, geared up for growth and success, will have to change, because the challenges of the future will require a society that is characterised by solidarity and an awareness of the paramount importance of "service to society", of advocacy for the common good and of civic engagement.
And we wouldn't be re:publica if we didn't look at the challenges described with great curiosity and playful anticipation, because after all, redesigning and transforming the digital will need the support of all parts of society.
Who cares:
And who knows? Perhaps, if we all take on more responsibilities of care, we will move closer together and live less isolated lives. If we all care for each other, we might actually all be in this together.
Your outlook can be optimistic or one full of cares, the question is clear: Who cares?
re:publica 2024: 27. - 29. Mai 2024, STATION Berlin