27-29th May 2024
Caring for Workers: Rechte für Plattformarbeiter:innen?
Felix Bieker, Eva Kocher, Janne Martha Lentz, Victoria Guijarro Santos
Digital topics are becoming more and more present - but mostly with a focus on economic and technical issues. The classic digital policy debates also include the interfaces between digital policy and climate protection and sustainability as well as participation and cohesion.
To ensure that the social impact of digitalization and civil society perspectives receive more attention, Stiftung Mercator supports the theme track #forumdigitalpolicy during re:publica 24. Our partner facilitates special thematic sessions in which the connection between digital policy, participation and cohesion as well as climate protection are discussed and various actors come into exchange ideas.
Programme highlights of the special #digitalpolicyforum
The United Nations is negotiating the Global Digital Compact this year. Global guidelines and recommendations for the digital age are to be established there. The UN Special Ambassador Amandeep Gill discusses the project and the role civil society plays there with the Vice President of the Wikimedia Foundation, Rebecca MacKinnon and the German Cyber Ambassador Regine Grienberger.
Careless whisper or voice of the future: Europäische Digitalpolitik
Shortly before the European elections, Franziska Heine, CEO of Wikimedia Germany, and Felix Reda, former MEP and digital policy expert, will discuss current and future digital policy ofthe EU with the two EU MPs Tiemo Wölken (SPD) and Sergey Lagodinsky (Alliance 90/The Greens).
Digital Public Infrastructure: offene Zukunft oder Überwachungs-Dystopie?
Digital Euro, electronic identity systems, data spaces for health and finance are current examples of building blocks of what is collectively called “Digital Public Infrastructure”. The two network activists Thomas Lohninger and Paul Keller provide a current overview and insight into the different perspectives and debates.
Nobody cares?! Wie Tech-Giganten die neuen EU-Digital-Gesetze DSA und DMA (nicht) umsetzen. Ein Praxis-Check. The EU rules for platform regulation are finally being applied. But not all companies adhere to this. Sabrina Wagner and Dennis Romberg from the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations provide an insight into their investigations into how consumer rights are still being ignored by the platforms.
How to sue big tech – wie die Zivilgesellschaft Tech-Unternehmen die Stirn bietet
Strategic litigation is an effective tool for enforcing fundamental and consumer rights in court. Josephine Ballon, managing director of HateAid, and Benjamin Lück, project coordinator at the Society for Civil Rights, show how successful lawsuits work and what obstacles have to be overcome.
Felix Bieker, Eva Kocher, Janne Martha Lentz, Victoria Guijarro Santos
Katrin Fritsch, Camila Nobrega, Frederike Kaltheuner
Barbara Brandl, Alexandra Keiner
Fabio Chiusi, Antonella Napolitano
Lea Gimpel, Paul Keller, Christina Willems, Kilian Vieth-Ditlmann, Aline Blankertz
Pia Sombetzki, Likhita Banerji, Naomi Appelman
Leonhard Dobusch, Peter Baldwin
Prabhat Agarwal, Markus Beckedahl
Christian Müller, Niklas Kossow, Iliyana Gräbner, Claudia Bülter, Anne-Marie Pellegrin
Tobias Gostomzyk, Hanna Püschel
Josephine Ballon, Benjamin Lück
Adriana Groh, Katharina Meyer, Aline Blankertz, Lea Gimpel