27.-29. Mai 2024
Nushin Yazdani, Ulla Heinrich, Iyo Bisseck, Dera Luce, Hiba Ali, Guilherme Bretas , Noam Youngrak Son, Kira Xonorika, Sarah Diedro Jordão

Dreaming Beyond AI is a space for critical and constructive knowledge, visionary fiction, speculative art and community organizing around Artificial Intelligence. AI technologies reinforce existing injustices and discrimination. Decision-making processes are increasingly being outsourced to algorithmic systems – by the police and in court, in schools and in job application procedures, in government offices, at border crossings, and elsewhere. With Dreaming Beyond AI, we aim to challenge both the way AI is used today, and the societal structures that uphold algorithmic oppression. We use AI as a gateway to broader societal questions around marginalization, imagination, futurism, feminism, and how we experience the present. The goal is to de-center technology and use it as a tool rather than main instrument for connection and a coming together. It is an experiment to a curated space where people enter with a shared sense of values and agreements.
In the Loop: On Artificial Intelligence and time
Time and temporalities are heavily embedded in today’s AI. How are time and temporalities experienced in relation with AI systems? Who saves time with AI and whose time resources are shrinking? What pasts does AI perpetuate?
This group exhibition displays works by the Dreaming Beyond AI residence artists hiba ali (US), Dera Luce (Germany), Guilherme Bretas (Brasil), Noam Youngrak Son (Belgium), Kira Xonorika (Mexico) and focuses on the connection between Artificial Intelligence and Time. The works examine, question, and transform the common understanding and social narratives of temporalities in the frame of AI discourse(s).
The exhibition and residency program was made possible for the first time in 2023 by
ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), Kampnagel & Deichtorhallen Hamburg through
the joint residency program theHost.is.
Dreaming Beyond AI has been created in cooperation with ifa (Institut für