27.-29. Mai 2024
Kiezlabor, a project by CityLAB Berlin, serves as an open space where residents can
explore and actively participate in shaping the potential of (digital)
within their communities. Local actors such as administration and neighborhood
initiatives are invited to use Kiezlabor for co-creating with residents, presenting on a
small stage or as a public living room for small-scale dialogues.
By accelerating collaboration between local government and civil society actors, Kiezlabor aims to support neighbourhoods in finding sustainable solutions for challenges such as heat resilience, urban green spaces and circular economy. The presentation illustrates how this analogue solution contributes to a sustainable digital transformation, inclusive of all community members.
Kiezlabor is funded by Berlin’s Senate Chancellery and forms part of Berlin's digital and smart city strategy, Gemeinsam Digital: Berlin, aimed at advancing digital transformation in collaboration with citizens and local administration.