Engaged scholarship: Academics that care enough to take a stance

Ali Aslan Gümüsay, Leonhard Dobusch, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Maja Göpel

Climate catastrophe, rising populism, devastating wars, infringement on academic freedom. We live in troubled times. There is hence a growing demand for impact-driven and engaged scholarship to address societal grand challenges. What does this mean for the future of academia?
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Climate catastrophe, rising populism, devastating wars, infringement on academic freedom. We live in troubled times. There is hence a growing demand for impact-driven and engaged scholarship to address societal grand challenges. What does this mean for the future of academia? Do we need (more) action-oriented scholarship and must we orient scholarship towards action? In this meet up, we will discuss academic involvement in societal discourse and political action.

This session is part of our focus topic on "freedom" as part of the Science Year 2024.

Profilbild Ali Gümüsay
Leonhard Dobusch (Foto: Ingo Pertramer, CC BY 4.0)
Professor für Organisation | Blogger
Foto von Laura Marie Edinger-Schons
Professorin für Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
Maja Göpel
Wissenschaftlerin, Rednerin, Autorin, Politikberaterin