A Paradigm Shift from Capital to Love

Emilia Roig

Without care work, everything collapses - and yet care work is constantly devalued, pushed to the margins of our lives. Author and political scientist Emilia Roig will talk about how we can recenter care in society and what a vision for the future might look like.
Stage 2
Live Übersetzung

Emilia Roig is convinced that we need a radical paradigm shift that puts care before capital. Care work is primarily done by women worldwide, which not only has important consequences for their financial situation, but also for the labor market as a whole. The so-called care crisis encapsulates all layers of the wider societal crisis, from the climate crisis to the global economic crisis. Our capitalist system has taught us to consider all activities related to care as either "natural" labor performed by women or as a burden. Yet care work, more than capital, is what has kept us alive so far. What needs to happen for this paradigmatic shift to occur? How can we move from a system centred on capital to a system centred on care? Emilia Roig will delineate the main tenets of the paradigmatic shift from capital to care.

Im Anschluss an die Session wird eine Signiersession (14.20-14.35 Uhr) mit Emilia Roig zu ihren Büchern "Why We Matter. Das Ende der Unterdrückung" & "Das Ende der Ehe. Für eine Revolution der Liebe" am Dussmann-Büchtertisch stattfinden.