27.-29. Mai 2024
This session is an informal meetup for past and future projects of the Prototype Fund and everyone who wants to discuss various aspects of Free and Open Source Software funding.
If you don't know how to get funding for your software project, come and ask us any questions you have! This is also an opportunity to meet people we have funded in the past and learn from their experience. We also love to talk about anything around the topic of funding. How do we build a strong funding ecosystem? Which funding models have shown that they work? What is currently missing? Of course we're also happy to answer any questions you have about Prototype Fund.
The Prototype Fund is a funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research that is managed and evaluated by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany. Individuals and small teams (freelance coders, hackers, UX designers & more) can receive funding in order to test their ideas and develop open source applications in the areas of Civic Tech, Data Literacy, IT Security and Software Infrastructure. We aim to keep innovation processes and infrastructures open and accessible.
(German & English speakers welcome)