Tech | Consumption | Sustainability - can innovative technologies foster more sustainable consumption?

Susanne Guth-Orlowski, Kalpona Akter, Jochen Geilenkirchen, Max Büge

We will discuss questions related to consumers, sustainability & technology with an expert for digital product passports, with a workers’ rights advocate from Bangladesh, with a consumer protection expert, and with you.
Stage 3

We as consumers can be agents for change. Many of us do not want to buy products that have been produced under exploitative conditions or in factories that pollute the environment. When we buy our clothes, our furniture, our food, or everything else we need for our daily lives we want to trust that production has been fair & sustainable. But how trustworthy are claims and labels of fair production?  Who controls them? What are the implications of new policy initiatives in the global North for developing countries? And, what role can technology such as blockchain and digital product passports play in fostering transparency and trustworthiness of international value chains? We will discuss questions related to consumers, sustainability & technology with an expert for digital product passports, with a workers’ rights advocate from Bangladesh, with a consumer protection expert, and with you.

Foto von Susanne Guth-Orlowski
Founder 4TheRecord, Expertin für Kreislaufwirtschaft und digitale Produktpässe