
Kira Xonorika

Kira Xonorika’s "Visions" creates an Indigenous, trans future unfolding in the here and now.
at Stage 10
Off Stage
Eine Projektion einer AI generierten Frau in einem runden und farbenfrohen Bild.

Through reindigenization - an epistemic and ontological framework articulated by Neema Githere, this work aims to connect with ancestral memory in the construction of poetic and vibrant worlds: crafting an origin story for future-present time/space axiological restoration. Visualizing an indigenous, trans AI restoring memory and building worlds, historical trans aesthetics, and multimodal bodies, this piece aims to create a portal for safety, abundance, plurality, and connection. This work will combine generative AI, visual and auditory models. The piece will be activated in two parts, both in the gallery space and the open space, the one in the gallery space will be exhibited for the wider audience, while the piece projected outside will be activated with the presence of trans and indigenous bodies.