27.-29. Mai 2024

Fabio Chiusi is project manager for the ‘Automation on the Move’ project at the Berlin-based ngo AlgorithmWatch, where he previously led the ‘Tracing the Tracers’ project on automated systems in the pandemic and the redaction of the ‘Automating Society 2020’ report. After a decade in tech reporting, he worked as a consultant and assistant researcher in data and politics (Tactical Tech), and AI in journalism (Polis LSE). He coordinated the ‘Persuasori Social’ report on regulating political campaigns on social media for the PuntoZero Project, and worked as a tech-policy staffer within the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament. A Fellow at the Nexa Center for Internet & Society in Turin, he is Adjunct Professor at the University of San Marino, teaching ‘Journalism and New Media’ and ‘Publishing and digital media’. He is the author of several essays on technology and society, the latest being 'L'uomo che vuole risolvere il futuro. Critica ideologica di Elon Musk' (Bollati Boringhieri, 2023).