Helene von Schwichow

Researcher and Project Manager
Portrait photo of Helene von Schwichow
Foto/Bild Credit
Diana Weidmann

Helene v. Schwichow is a PhD-researcher at the professorship for Policy Analysis at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Her research focuses on concepts and practices of social sustainability in smart cities. As the manager of the project “sustAInability,” she additionally researches and teaches on the opportunities and risks of AI technologies for sustainable development.
Before her work at TUM, she co-founded MOTIF Institute for Digital Culture, a think tank that worked at the intersection of technology and society. With MOTIF, she conducted various projects, including research on behalf of the Third Gender Equality Report on women in the platform economy and Digital Vereint, a platform that supports civil society organizations with open-source tools. She is also the co-initiator of Feminist Futures, a participatory art and advocacy project that uses sci-fi stories to discuss and re-imagine the internet from a feminist perspective.
Helene has studied in Berlin and Paris and holds a master’s degree in communication in social and economic contexts from the Berlin University of the Arts.


Digital-Sozial-Ökologisch: Die nachhaltige Transformation unserer Städte im Reality Check

Lea Wulf, Helene von Schwichow, Laura Dornheim, Niklas Kossow

Vor allem unter Wissenschaftler*innen herrscht mittlerweile Einigkeit darüber, dass die Digitalisierung der Städte kein Selbstzweck ist, sondern an sozial-ökologischen Nachhaltigkeitszielen ausgerichtet werden muss. Gemeinsam mit Expert*innen aus der Stadtverwaltung machen wir den Reality Check.
Stadt & Land
Teilhabe & Zugang
Stage 9