Christian Zöllner

Founder, Art Director, Time Machine Operator

Christian Zöllner is coming from a product design background and is constantly moving towards interaction design, design research and design teaching. He worked in design studios in Paris and Vienna. He teached at the Rietveld Academy Amsterdam, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel and at the University of the Arts in Berlin where he hosted projects on experimental product development for more than six years. 2014 he was invited guest professor for Design Fictions at the University of Art and Design Burg Giebichenstein in Halle. Beside all that he gives workshops, courses, talks and lectures worldwide on topics such as science fiction, spatial strategies and design in detail and overall. Since 2012 he is running The Constitute together with Sebastian Piatza. His main activities are design research, external communication and concept development.
