Ulf Buermeyer

Host & Co-Founder
Ulf Buermeyer
Foto/Bild Credit
(c) Jelena von Achenbach

Ulf is probably best known for his weekly podcast on current politics, "Lage der Nation", which he co-hosts with his friend and colleague, Philip Banse. He's also co-founder & member of the board of "Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte", an NGO that advances human rights by means of strategic litigation.

Ulf studied law in Leipzig, Berlin & Paris. He had been working at various courts, including the German Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe where he clerked for Justices Hassemer and Vosskuhle. Ulf is currently on leave from his life tenure position on the bench of Berlin's Superior Court for his civil society role at GFF.

Other than in legal issues Ulf is deeply interested in computer science & software engineering. He's been writing software since he got a C64 for his 10th birthday. At present he codes mostly for iOS and builds backends and web applications in PHP. For example, he loves free & open maps, so he wrote MapAlarm, an app that showcases various maps using OpenStreetMap data.



WDR Europaforum: Diagnose: düster - Europas Immunschwäche und was man dagegen tun kann

Susanne Hyldelund, Ulf Buermeyer, Sylvie Goulard, Dieter Rucht, Eva Lindenau

Das 26. WDR Europaforum findet unter dem Motto "Unter Druck – wie behauptet sich die EU gegen Populismus, Extremismus und Nationalismus?" und erstmals auch auf der re:publica 24 statt. In diesem Panel spricht Eva Lindenau mit Susanne Hyldelund, Sylvie Goulard, Ulf Buermeyer und Dieter Rucht.
Stage 6
WDR Europaforum