Lisa Dittmer

Researcher, Children and Young People’s Digital Rights
Headshot of Lisa Dittmer
Foto/Bild Credit
Fotis Filippou

Lisa Dittmer recherchiert in Amnesty Tech‘s Children and Young People’s Digital Rights Team zu Themen wie den systemischen Risiken sozialer Medien und digitalen Bedrohungen von Kinder- und Menschenrechten. Zuvor war sie für Wikimedia Deutschland und als Referentin für Internetfreiheit bei Reporter ohne Grenzen in Berlin tätig. 

EN: Lisa Dittmer is a researcher in Amnesty Tech's Children and Young People's Digital Rights Team covering topics such as systemic risks of social media platforms and other digital threats to children's and human rights. She previously worked for Wikimedia Deutschland and as an internet freedom advisor at Reporters Without Borders in Berlin.


Uncovering #sadtok – how we journeyed into TikTok’s rabbit holes of despair and how to make a Big Tech giant care

Lisa Dittmer, David Nolan

We will share insights from our journey wading into TikTok’s mental health rabbit holes and speaking to young people in Kenya and the Philippines about the lure and impact of TikTok’s dark side. A not too grim talk about a platform’s lack of care and fighting for rights with research & data science.
Stage 4 / T
Forum Digitalpolitik