Who cares about India? - A Chai Talk

Nadja-Christina Schneider, Udbhav Tiwari, Sharinee Lalit Jagtiani, Natalie Mayroth

India has undergone a digital revolution over the past 15 years and has become an important market for technology companies. While this transformation has benefited millions, giving them access to online financial services and improved digital infrastructure, it also poses challenges.
Stage 3

Over the past 15 years, India has undergone a digital revolution, becoming a major market for tech giants like Meta. This transformation has benefited millions, giving them access to online financial services and an improved digital infrastructure. The new configurations of digital society translate to real-life changes for many companies, women, NGOs, and others. At the same time, freedom of speech and research has declined, while hate speech on social media has increased. India's digital transformation promises a bright future, but it also holds challenges for the country's 1.4 billion citizens. Moreover, at a global scale, we need to recognize that we cannot solve the big global problems of our time without India. So why shouldn't we care? 


Foto von Natalie Mayroth
Journalistin mit Fokus auf Südasien/Indien