Natalie Mayroth

Journalistin mit Fokus auf Südasien/Indien
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Natalie Mayroth

Natalie Mayroth is a German-Iranian journalist who works in Germany and South Asia, particularly India. She is a member of "Neue Deutsche Medienmacher*innen", a network of media professionals with and without a migration history and is currently chairwoman of the Indo-German Media network (IGMN). Natalie Mayroth went abroad after completing her Master's in European Ethnology, Sociology and Iranian Studies at the LMU in Munich. As part of the Bosch Foundation's Media Ambassador Programme, she travelled first to China and then to India. Various organisations have supported her journalistic research, including the University of Tübingen, the European Journalism Centre (EJC), the Sir Hugh Carleton Greene Foundation and the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma (New York). Previously, she was a blogger and worked for re:publica. At #rp24 she curates the India programme. 


Who cares about India? - A Chai Talk

Nadja-Christina Schneider, Udbhav Tiwari, Sharinee Lalit Jagtiani, Natalie Mayroth

India has undergone a digital revolution over the past 15 years and has become an important market for technology companies. While this transformation has benefited millions, giving them access to online financial services and improved digital infrastructure, it also poses challenges.
Stage 3