27.-29. Mai 2024

Dr.-Ing. Abdur Rahim is the Managing Director of WAZIUP e.V. an international non-profit organization in Germany, promoting human-centric digital transformation for the developing countries for sustainable development goals. WAZIUP e.V. developed an affordable and open source IoT platform which is adapted to the local context. This platform is easy to use and cost-effective, more than 50 startups from Africa used our platform to develop various IoT applications in farming, logistics, water & energy management. WAZIUP e.V. is enabling innovation for thousands of African young entrepreneurs, developers, TechHubs and startups to build IoT skills for innovation and employment.
Dr. Rahim has more than 20 years of experience in research, innovation and business for the digital transformation. He was a research collaborator of the Open-IoT group in FBK, a public research organization in Trento, Italy from 2008 to 2021. Last 20 years, he has been working on more than 20 European collaborative projects. Dr. Rahim has a strong experience in coordinating and managing the project.
Being an innovative thinker and leader, Dr. Rahim works to empower young entrepreneurship and to create IoT co-innovation hubs in 20 African countries.
Dr. Rahim is also expert evaluator for the European funded project and he is also involved in the private sector advisory group of EU-African D4Dhub partnership. He has been leading and involved in many activities like the leader of IERC AC8, Co-chair of SelfIoT, the management committee of COST-TERRA/COST IC0902.
Dr. Rahim belongs to the board of ZIGPOS GmbH, a high-tech indoor localization company in Germany founded in 2011.
Dr. Rahim is a frequent international speaker in various summits, and conferences and workshops/tutorials. Being a global traveler, he has visited more than 55 countries in the world.Dr. Rahim is currently the co-editorial board member of IEEE IoT newsletter. He is part of the steering committee member of CROWNCOM, a cognitive radio annual conference since 2009. Dr. Rahim is an external supervisor of PhD students in ACEIoT (African Center of Excellence IoT), University of Rwanda. He was a guest lecturer at the University of Applied Science, Dresden, Germany.