27.-29. Mai 2024

A Chilean set designer, lighting designer and visual artist, she graduated in set design from the National School of Theatrical Art at the National Center for the Arts in Mexico (2000-2004). Since 2004, her theatrical work has focused on the creation of image projections as stage design. She was also selected for the Mexican Grant for Production and Research in Arts and Media in 2008 from the Multimedia Center, to create and stage the interactive and interdisciplinary play Antropía- Interferencias escénicas del cuerpo-imagen. In Chile, she collaborated on lighting design for shows. In 2011, he founded the company Ruido Blanco, which integrates the fields of scenography, dance, theater and technology. In 2012 she presented the interactive installation Untitled at the 10th Biennial of Video and Electronic Art at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago. Since 2012 Pamela has expanded her work to media consultancies for NGOS in Brazil and Germany. Recently she was art director of the journalistic project "Allende's International" (2018-2023) and curated two exhibitions in Berlin's public library Pablo Neruda.