27.-29. Mai 2024

John Lack currently lives in Berlin and supports groups and organisations in a wide variety of formats on the topics of personal development, cultural change, self-awareness and communication.
His core intention is always to support people in their free development. As a trainer at the School of Life Berlin, he leads seminars on personal development and cultural change in organisations, including nonviolent communication. As a coach, he facilitates retreats for transformative group processes. He is also active as speaker and consultant in organisations, musician at festivals and lead coach for facilitator-training.
He further works for Wevolve, a consultancy for leadership and cultural change focussing on humancentricity and mindfulness. And he teaches at the Akademie für Transformationsdesign other coaches to facilitate transformation processes in their environments. With his children's book "Lara und die Wunschwesen" he wants to share the core concept of nonviolent communication already with kids. Soon the translation to English will be available as well.