Camila Nobrega

She/ Her
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Erhan Arik

Camila Nobrega is a Brazilian journalist and researcher with focus on social-environmental conflicts from decolonial feminist and queer lenses. Based between Germany and Brazil, she is the founder of the laboratoria Beyond the Green, a transmedia project of feminist investigations on megaprojects, bringing together journalism, academic research and artistic formats. Throughout the last 15 years, she has contributed with topics on Gender and Social-Environmental topics in many media outlets, such as The Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, among others. In the last years, she has developed and collaborated with more independent, emancipatory and collective forms of communication toward social-environmental justice. Ph.D Candidate at the Free University of Berlin and lecturer. 


Building Just and Sustainable Digital Infrastructures

Katrin Fritsch, Camila Nobrega, Frederike Kaltheuner

Digital infrastructures often reinforce monopolies, emit carbon and reproduce injustices. In this panel, we want to understand possibilities and constraints of the term 'digital infrastructures', and highlight pathways to build infrastructures that center justice, sustainability and care.
Speak Up Stage
Forum Digitalpolitik