27.-29. Mai 2024
Dunya Wasella, Natalie Mayroth, Julia Wadhawan, Nimish Sawant
In today’s globalised world, Indian culture is woven into our daily lives. Whether it's unwinding with yoga after a hectic day, acknowledging the impact of Indian tech CEOs, or meeting Indian students at German universities, India's influence is visible. With more and more people from India choosing Germany as their new home, new opportunities for mutual understanding and intercultural connections grow. So why do we know so little about India and why is what little we know sometimes wrong? We would like to use this opportunity for an exchange about India. Let’s have Indian milk tea and samosas together and talk! Get to know some of the speakers who will discuss India’s digital transformation with you later. See if you can challenge some of your clichés and stereotypes about modern-day India. It’s time to talk about India!
We do speak German, English and Hindi :)
The brunch is organised in cooperation with the Indo German Media Network (IGMN).